Wednesday, October 28, 2009 it has been a while....

Some of you may have been wondering just exactly what Estelles has been up to lately....All I can say is.....Alot!! Although I don't have the time today to post everyone I have shot in the last 2 mo. I can give you a taste of what's been going on!


These guys surprised me by knowing way too many stories about my family!! My husband was their recruiter~ and we all know how Jon likes to talk!! Thanks for hanging in there guys~ I know you would have liked to have be done after the 1st 6 frames!!


Nikki is soo much fun!! She gets the pleasure of stopping by my house 5x a week!! Lucky girl! Love ya babe ;)


How cute is she!! (not a question ~ really) We got way too many great shots during her 2 hr session!!! Love, Love, Love the dress!!!

Sarah and Chris

Sarah & Chris will be married in March! What an awesome couple! They were alot of fun! I can't wait for their wedding!!

The Tuppers