Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Thanks for stopping by on Halloween! I always geta kick out of seeing the little goblins!! I had a Spook~tacular time!!!

If you had your picture taken and you don't see your picture posted, just email me and I will put it up for you! Yes! you may copy the picture off of this blog and use it for blogging and or facebook! See you all next time!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

ok...so it has been a while....

Some of you may have been wondering just exactly what Estelles has been up to lately....All I can say is.....Alot!! Although I don't have the time today to post everyone I have shot in the last 2 mo. I can give you a taste of what's been going on!


These guys surprised me by knowing way too many stories about my family!! My husband was their recruiter~ and we all know how Jon likes to talk!! Thanks for hanging in there guys~ I know you would have liked to have be done after the 1st 6 frames!!


Nikki is soo much fun!! She gets the pleasure of stopping by my house 5x a week!! Lucky girl! Love ya babe ;)


How cute is she!! (not a question ~ really) We got way too many great shots during her 2 hr session!!! Love, Love, Love the dress!!!

Sarah and Chris

Sarah & Chris will be married in March! What an awesome couple! They were alot of fun! I can't wait for their wedding!!

The Tuppers

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Eric and Lori Aug 8th 2009

Lori has posted some of her wedding pictures on shutterfly.
Take a look!
She "loves, loves, loves her wedding pictures! Estelles is the best!! Thanks Wendi, love ya!"


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009